The Directory is for members and associates of the Club to advertise their businesses or services. If you have a business or service that you would like to advertise here, please contact the Secretary with your details for inclusion.
Building services
Plumbing | Nigel Gilchrist |
Tel: 01268 785939 |
(NMG Plumbing) |
Mob: 07765 875300 |
Office Equipment
Copiers, printers, scanners, | Mr Steve Dilworth | Tel (Direct): 020 7055 3600 |
fax machines, finishing | (Quadtronix | Tel (Mob): 07970 718 086 |
equipment, document | Business Systems) | Fax: 01702 331563 |
management systems and | ||
managed print services. |
This page is offered a facility for members and the Club does not in any way endorse any of the services offered.